Thursday, June 25, 2009

For Michael...

I Remember The Time- One of my first amazing encounters: He had the honor of doing, "Will You Be There," the Free Willy Song. Willy finally makes it to freedom swimming into the sunset, and then the song starts; building on the hums of the choir, and Michael Jackson, for me, became a certified idol.

How does he do it?? How does he move to the music so gracefully, and yet so powerfully on any stage?? The crowds of thousands seem to be worshiping him. How could he erupt an audience with only the stretch of his hands. He had moves like noooooooo other.
He was Bad, he was Dangerous. I remember the Moon Walk; the Phenomenon. I remember his lyrics that could unite hearts; the lyrics that yearned to Heal the World. I remember the dance moves, the electricity, the leather, the hat, the glove, glasses, socks, jackets,zippers,belts,the Thriller! ...the knees, the ankles, the toes, the hips the crotch the kick! ...And the Nose. There was non before, and there will be none after.
I heard of John Lennon, (The Beatles), Princess Diana, The Pope, Bob Marley, Sinatra, Elvis; but I never knew them like I knew Michael, I saw his evolution, I witnessed his unmerciful doses of performance. I saw him grow from an adult to a King. He took me from the"ABC's" and left me "Speechless." He amazed me, he moved me; I couldn't help looking like a fool trying to dance like Michael, but I didn't care. It was only Michael and me when I listened to him, no one else around; Michael Rocked my World.
He would never shout, he would Scream; he would never belt, he would cry.

There was a mystery, no doubt; he was a mystery. Could anyone command so much love, such a following, and still be a natural and normal human being? Michael Jackson was The Man in the Mirror, ever evolving, ever changing. He evolved as a musician as he did as a man. But it never mattered whether he was Black or White. I love him.
Yesterday, Today and Forever.

Gone too Soon

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