Monday, June 15, 2009

The List

So I have this routine: wake up, tidy up, tidy ME up, (before or after I have breakfast), stretch, exercise, READ, facebook, email, do Spanish, do music, go jogging. That list has so far proved to be only a theoretical plan, for I do only few of the days' scheduled activities, the main activity being facebook; yes I do manage to get some reading in and just recently I took the spanish book out of its storage; so to look on the bright side I am progressing! I would love to be able to do more of my other "duties,"or rather, a little less of facebook. There is no doubt that I have an addiction and the excuse that it is summer, is not acceptable. Practices like this may start out harmless but after a while they become so routine and complacent thinking things are under control and before it can be stopped it becomes an addiction; a full blown addiction. Facebook has become an addiction and I am hooked.
The fact that all I can only afford to accomplish roughly only two tasks daily speaks to my discipline. Simply put I don't have much of it, and it is embarrassing. I am embarrassed at myself. This week coming will be my fourth week of summer vacation and so far it has been rather wasteful. I really want to turn things around for myself but my discipline wilts and wilts with each passing day. Hopefully, by evaluating myself through this blog I can wake up tomorrow with a new dose of discipline to get through more things on my list. But I know it cannot happen in a day or one night or even after one blog post and I am beginning to realize it is a process that I will have to work on and build on, a long process that will take time but that needs to be done. Doing it now will surely help me in Sept when I really need it.

1 comment:

  1. it's so funny that as I read this I can hear you and your accent in my head hahaha love you


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There is only one word that describes me--SUPERCALAFRAJALISTICEXPIALIDOCIOUS!!!!!! ...whew! ;) ♥